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Chinese American Ophthalmological Society


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Who's Who List of Prominent Chinese Ophthalmologists

Prominent Chinese American Ophthalmologists

David Chang, MD- Internationally renowned Ophthalmologist, Past President of ASCRS

Michael Chiang, MD, MA- Director of The National Eye Institute (NEI)

David Huang, MD, PhD- Co-Inventor of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

Vernon Wong, MD- Inventor of Ozurdex

Chairs of Ophthalmology Departments

Guy Chan, MD- Chair Emeritus, Temple University (First Chairman of Chinese descent of a US Academic Ophthalmology Department; Inventor of Chan Wristrest, the standard for stabilization of the surgeon's hand for ophthalmic surgery).

R.V. Paul Chan, MD, MBA- Chair, Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, University of Illinois.

Stanley Chang, MD- Chair Emeritus, Columbia University.

C.J. Chen, MD- Chair Emeritus, University of Mississippi.

Roy S. Chuck, MD, PhD- Chair, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Co-Inventor of Trabectome).

Bennie Jeng, MD, MS- Chair, University of Pennsylvania, Chair Emeritus, University of Maryland.

Andrew Lee, MD- Chair, Blanton Eye Institute, Houston Methodist Hospital. 

David A. Lee, MD, MBA- Chair Emeritus, Penn State.

Paul Lee, MD, JD- Chair Emeritus, University of Michigan.

Joanne F. Shen, MD- Chair, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ.

Christopher Teng, MD, MBA- Chair, University of Massachusetts

James C. Tsai, MD, MBA- Chair, Mt. Sinai and President, The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mt. Sinai; Chair Emeritus, Yale University.

Mark O.M. Tso, MD, DSc- Founding Chair, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong (1994-1999), Founding Chairman and Director, Peking University Eye Center, Beijing, China (2001-2011).

Darrell WuDunn, MD, PhD- Chair, University of Florida-Jacksonville.

Robert Yee, MD- Chair Emeritus, Indiana University.

CAOS Forefathers

Jou S Tchao, MD- Portland, ME. From Taisan, China, went to medical school at University of Paris, France. Residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. Settled in Lewiston, Maine.

Peter Chao, MD- New York, NY. First to report photographic technique of fluorescein retinal angiography. (Chao P, Flocks M. The Retinal Circulation Time. Am J Ophthalmol. 1958 Jul;46:8-10. 2. Flocks M, Miller, J, Chao, P. Retinal Circulation time with the aid of fundus cinephotography. Am J Ophthalmol. 1959 July;48:3-10).

Helen H. Chi, MD- New York, NY. Prominent researcher of Cornea Endothelium, Manhattan, Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, NY, NY.

Otis S. Lee, MD- Tulsa, OK. Ophthalmology Residency at University of Iowa, 1943, Published on Metabolism of Cornea and Penetrating Keratoplasty; former Tulsa County Medical Society Doctor of the Year.

Henry Li, MD- Los Angeles, CA.

CK Liao, MD, MBA- Chicago, IL. Residency at University of Chicago. Worked as an ophthalmologist for more than 30 years and retired from medical practice in 1985, Owned several Chinese restaurants in the Chicago area from 1964 to 1982. 

CC Teng, MD- New York, NY. Prominent researcher at The Eye Bank for Sight Restoration at Manhattan, Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital. First to describe the Basement Membrane of Corneal Epithelium (Teng CC, Katzin HM. The Basement Membrane of Corneal Epithelium; A Preliminary Report. Am J Ophthalmol. 1953 Jul;36(71): 895-900).

Robert T. Wong, MD- Honolulu, HI. Prominent Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Hawaii. Instrumental in establishing a medical school in Hawaii, which later became the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii. The Robert T. Wong, M.D. Lectureship at the University of Hawaii was established in 1985.

CAOS Founders

Elaine Chuang, MD

Arlene Gwon, MD

Benjamin Kwan, MD

King Lee, MD

Pei Fei Lee, MD

David Pao, MD

Mark O.M. Tso, MD, DSc

Ted Wei, MD

Edward Wong, MD

Robert Yee, MD

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