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Chinese American Ophthalmological Society


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CAOS Resident Research Award

CAOS encourages Ophthalmology residents of ChiDavid Chang, MD with Ophthalmology Residents Grace Chen, MD and Silas Wang, MDnese descent to submit abstracts for this annual award. Applicant must be a current ophthalmology resident (PGY-2, 3, 4) in an accredited Ophthalmology residency program in the United States. The resident must be the first author of the submitted abstract. The recipient will be honored at the CAOS AAO Banquet Program held during the American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting.

The application deadline date is Wednesday, September 24, 2025 at 11:59pm. Applications submitted after this will not be reviewed.
Applicant must be:
1. Current ophthalmology resident (PGY-2, 3, 4) in an accredited US Ophthalmology residency program
2. Primary investigator or first author
3. Of Chinese descent

- Each 
abstract will be evaluated by members of the CAOS Scientific Committee, masked to name, authors, and residency program
- The abstract may have been presented elsewhere
- Each applicant may only submit one (1) 
- Clinical and basic science research projects will be considered
- The award winner will be preferably present during the
 CAOS AAO Banquet Program held Sunday evening, during the annual AAO meeting and will present at the meeting

Submissions should include 3 separate files (PDF or Word):

1. Curriculum Vitae

2. Title page: including title, author names, academic affiliations, year of Ophthalmology residency and program, contact address and phone number, acknowledgements and financial disclosure.

3. Abstract (with no authors, institutions, hospitals, etc.): Include purpose, study design, methods, results, and conclusions.

- Tables (if applicable)

- Figures (if applicable)

- Pictures (if applicable)

- References

(Please place abstract, tables, figures, pictures and references all in 1 file)

Please submit to

CAOS Resident Research Award Committee:
Roy Chuck, MD, PhD
Richard Lee, MD, PhD
Jennifer Lim, MD
Don Liu, MD
James C. Tsai, MD, MBA

CAOS Resident Research Award Recipients
2006   R.V. Paul Chan, MD Weill Cornell Medical College
2012   Kristina Pao, MD            Wills Eye Institute
2013   Daniel Chao, MD, PhD Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
2015   Luna Xu, MD The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mt. Sinai
2016   Kai B. Kang, MD University of Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary
2017   Shawn Lin, MD, MBA UCLA Stein Eye Institute
2018   Victoria Tseng, MD, PhD UCLA Stein Eye Institute

2019   Sarah C. Xu, MD Mayo Clinic

2020   Luke Chang, MD Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

2021   Wendy Li Linderman, MD  Yale University

2022   Jacob Heng, MD, PhD Yale University

2023   Michel Sun, MD, PhD UCLA Stein Eye Institute

2024   Brian T. Cheng, MD Wills Eye Institute

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