![]() | Chinese American Ophthalmological Society 美国华裔眼科学会 |
Lifetime membership - $1800
Student or Members-In-Training - Free
Associate members have the right to vote on matters brought before the Society, but may not hold elective office or serve on the Board of Directors.
Category A: American Ophthalmologists licensed to practice medicine in the United States, who are Fellows or Members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and are engaged in clinical practice or holding positions in teaching, research in ophthalmology or health administration.
Category B: Foreign (non-American) Ophthalmologists and other physicians involved in eye care, who have completed an approved residency training program.
Category C: Individuals with a PhD or OD engaged in ophthalmic teaching or research in North, South or Central America, Africa, Europe or Asia.
Category D: Individuals certified in a paramedical field.
Members-In-Training may take part in meetings of the Society, but shall have no voice in or vote upon matters pertaining to the Society. Limited to a maximum of 5 years.
Category A: Residents or Fellows in Ophthalmology
Category B: Medical Students
Physicians who are past or eligible active or associate members, and who no longer engage in active clinical practice or hold an academic position. Emeritus members shall enjoy full privileges of the Society appropriate to the above membership category, however may not serve on the Board of Directors. Dues are waived. The Board of Directors confers this designation.