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Chinese American Ophthalmological Society


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2006 CAOS AAO Banquet Program

  • Sun, November 12, 2006
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino

2006 CAOS AAO Banquet Program

Las Vegas, NV

November 12th, 2006

Sunday Night at 7pm

Venetian Resort Hotel & Casino

Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Chang
Pioneer Research Award: Dr. Alan Chow
Guest of Honor: Dr. Peter McDonnell

Sponsored by

Inspire Pharmeceuticals and Bausch & Lomb

Thank You all for making our 20th Anniversary Banquet a BIG SUCCESS!

December 8th, 2006

Dear CAOS Member or Associate,

Our 20th Anniversary Gala Banquet was recently held at the Venetian Resort and Hotel in Las Vegas on November 12th, 2006, and thanks to many of you who attended, it was a big success! Over 200 people consisting of members and their guests attended and the huge ballroom was filled to capacity. This evening was MCed by Dr. Roger Chan and Dr. Sanford Chen. Our evening started with a speech from the president and introduction of board members. Our Keynote speaker was Dr. David Chang, who talked about Floppy Iris Syndrome. Our guest of Honor was Dr. Peter McDonnell, Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Alan Chow received this years Pioneer Research award and Dr. Paul Chan received the Resident/Fellow Research Award.

Distinguished guests included:

Dr. Jialiang Zhao: President of Chinese Association of Ophthalmology, China
Dr M. Araie: Professor of Ophthalmology, Tokyo University
Dr. S. Tano: President APAO, professor of Ophthalmology, Osaka University
Dr. Wing-Fung Cheng: President of Taiwan Ophthalmological Society
Dr. PorTying Hung: President of Taiwan Professor Academy of Ophthalmology
Dr. Dennis Lam: President of Hong Kong Academy of Ophthalmology
Dr. Stanley Chang: Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, Columbia
Dr. Robert Yee: Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, Indiana
Dr. Ching J. Chen: Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, Mississippi
Dr. James Tsai: Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, Yale

CAOS Service awards were presented to Dr. Ben Kwan for his dedication and work on our 20th Anniversary Yearbook, Dr. Jennifer Lim for her leadership in developing our resident/fellow research award, Dr. Ted C. Wei, Jr. for developing our internet presence and database, and Dr. Dik Cheung for his dedication and commitment in our military in Iraq.

Our 20th Anniversary Yearbook, edited by Dr. Ben Kwan was distributed during the evening, if you did not receive one, you can either download a copy from our website at or request a copy via email.

This evening was a great success in no large part due to our sponsors Inspire Pharmaceuticals and Bausch & Lomb Pharmaceuticals. Without their generosity, support, and dedication a banquet of this magnitude would not have been possible. As I reiterated in the past, if a representative from either of these organizations visits you, please give them your support. Other companies that have provided unrestricted grants include Alcon, Medpoint, Vistakon, Ista.

Over the last two years I have enjoyed serving you and am proud of the commitment and dedication of our membership. We are a unique organization in the Ophthalmological society and have a long and strong legacy to uphold. My main goal these last two years was to try to rebuild our membership, get the younger generation of Ophthalmologists interested in our organization, develop a resident/fellow research award, and get more foreign ophthalmology societies involved. We have suceeded in all our goals! As of this month, we have more than 200 members and greater than 20 Lifetime members. There also has been an influx of younger ophthalmologists joining and participating, They are our future and I hope more will get involved and keep this organization growing and developing. Overall it has been an honor being your president, and this time seems to have passed quite quickly. Hope you and your family have a Happy Holiday and a prosperous New Year! See you in New Orleans in 2007!

Happy Holidays!


Ted Chau-Po Wei, M.D., Ph.D.
President Chinese American Ophthalmological Society
Clinical Professor, University of California Irvine, Department of Ophthalmology

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