Chinese American Ophthalmological Society
2007 CAOS AAO Banquet Program
November 10th, 2007
Saturday Night at 6:30pm
Five Happiness Restaurant
3605 S. Carrollton Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70118
(504) 482-3935
CAOS AAO 2007 Dinner Program
Sponsored by Alcon
1. Roy S. Chuck M.D., Ph.D (CAOS president) -Welcome and introduction
2. Alcon (Sponsor) - Welcome
3. Ben Kwan, M.D.- CAOS history
4. James Tsai, M.D. (Chairman of Ophthalmology, Yale University)- Perspectives of a new Chinese-American Department Chair
5. Robert Yee, M.D. (Chairman of Ophthalmology, Indiana University) & Eugene Helveston, M.D. (Indiana University & ORBIS Ophthalmic Director)- Project ORBIS China telemedicine
6. David Friedman, M.D. (Wilmer and ORBIS Senior Technical Advisor)- Glaucoma in China
7. Melanie Erb, M.D. - Introduction of CAOS mentorship program
1. Paul Lee, M.D., J.D.- recognition by the Alcon Research Institute
2. Acknowledgement of special guests
3. Special guest